Programming Courses


  • Duration : 2 Month
  • 4.50
Unlock the power of Oracle with Gurukul Computer Education! Our experienced trainers are here to guide you through every step of your Oracle learning journey. With our commitment to quality education, you can rest assured that you’ll gain in-depth knowledge and practical skills that will set you apart in the industry. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to become an Oracle expert. Enroll now and take your career to new heights!

Courses Content

  • Introduction to DBMS, RDBMS
  • Normalization, Cod’s Rules, ER Diagrams
  • SQL Environment
  • SQL – DDL (Data Definition Language)
  • SQL – DML (Data Manipulation Language)
  • SQL – DCL (Data Control Language)
  • Data Constraints (Not NULL, Unique)
  • Data Constraints (Primary Key, Foreign Key)
  • Transaction Processing (Save Point, Commit)
  • Transaction Processing (Rollback)
  • WHERE Clause, Logical Operators, Order By, Group By
  • Inbuilt Functions (LIKE, %, Length, InitCap, Lpad, Rpad, Abs, Cos, Round, Power, Average, Count)
  • Data Function (SysDate, Add_Months, Months_Between, Next_Day)
  • Conversion Function (To_Char, To_Date, To_Number)
  • Set Operations (Union, Union All, Interset, Minus)
  • Join View (Introduction, Create, Selecting Dataset from View, Destroy View)
  • PL/SQL Language, PL/SQL Modules Cursors, Procedures, Functions
  • Database Triggers, Packages
  • Oracle Architecture

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